Things That Are Great

Tuesday, 2003-03-11; 08:13:00

Don't you have a list of absolutely great things?

Just a brief note on things that are great!

-- eating dinner (even dorm food) outside on a warm day
-- getting up at 12 noon on days when only classes are after lunch
-- wearing pajamas down to lunch to mock people who had to get up earlier
-- biking to an out-of-the-way park to sit down and admire the view or to take a nap
-- getting 100% on a midterm that took 10 minutes to finish
-- clean laundry
-- cats (especially when they wake you up, but not too early)
-- hand-knit sweaters
-- Macs, iPods, and iBlog


P.S. The comments should work, but they might be cleared a few times in the near future, because I still don't have the blog entry numbers being used as the IDs. Once I've done that, the comments shouldn't be cleared again.

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