venerdì, 2006-06-30; 02:28:00

giovedì, 2006-06-08; 01:12:00

sabato, 2005-11-19; 01:58:00

mercoledì, 2005-03-23; 11:08:00

martedì, 2004-09-21; 06:26:00

And so the story goes on...
lunedì, 2004-08-16; 01:54:00

domenica, 2004-07-18; 05:58:00

Woo volcanology!
mercoledì, 2004-06-09; 10:31:00

venerdì, 2004-03-19; 10:50:00

I told you I would scream if I have another 8:30 class.
mercoledì, 2004-03-10; 02:26:00

mercoledì, 2003-12-17; 02:02:00

A rant about the class with which. I'm glad I'm over.
domenica, 2003-12-14; 11:11:00

What I'm considering doing for my major(s) and minor(s).
martedì, 2003-12-09; 12:21:00

At least Dead Week is finally over!
giovedì, 2003-11-27; 01:20:00

Sorry for the bad joke.
sabato, 2003-11-01; 06:19:00

martedì, 2003-10-28; 05:30:00

Just an observation about things I've been learning in geology classes.
mercoledì, 2003-10-22; 12:35:00

This week is really busy, and I haven't even gotten through half of it!
giovedì, 2003-06-05; 12:25:00

mercoledì, 2003-05-21; 09:26:00

I didn't do as bad as I thought... relatively speaking.
lunedì, 2003-05-19; 09:26:00

lunedì, 2003-03-17; 08:27:00

After finishing my sickeningly hard Math 121 final, I can almost feel what it's going to be like after tomorrow's finals...
venerdì, 2003-03-14; 08:28:00

The Wednesday of Dr. Dement's last lecture was a fun day!
lunedì, 2003-03-10; 08:28:00

Our dorm got an air hockey table, the newest form of procrastination in Murray House!
lunedì, 2001-11-19; 08:29:00

Short entry about stuff recently going on in class, as well as a cool archaea presentation I recently done, and the Leonid meteor shower.
sabato, 2001-11-10; 08:30:00

Some more recounting of events that have been happening both in and out of class.
martedì, 2001-10-30; 08:32:00

Musings about classes, some more recent events, as well as some free advertising for Apple.
mercoledì, 2001-10-10; 09:33:00

Posting on a non-blog-like personal webpage talking about classes, some events, etc.